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Orchestrating the Cloud with Kubernetes

gcloud container clusters create io

Create a cluster and get authenticated automatically for the duration of your Cloud Shell session. Use gcloud container clusters get-credentials io to reauthenticate.

kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx:1.10.0
kubectl expose deployment nginx --port 80 --type LoadBalancer

So what just happened? Behind the scenes Kubernetes created an external Load Balancer with a public IP address attached to it. Any client who hits that public IP address will be routed to the pods behind the service. In this case that would be the nginx pod.

The utility of:

kubectl get services

In our case, we have:

NAME         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)        AGE
kubernetes   ClusterIP    <none>           443/TCP        3m55s
nginx        LoadBalancer   80:30959/TCP   37s


  • One or more containers
  • One IP per pod
  • Containers within a pod share a namespace
  • Pods have Volumes By default, pods are not accessible outside of the cluster.

Hopping in to a container:

kubectl exec monolith --stdin --tty -c monolith -- /bin/sh


Pods are meant to be ephemeral: they'll be destroyed and recreated. So...what if you want to communicate with it? Enter: Services!

Using labels to manage Services:

kubectl label pods secure-monolith 'secure=enabled'
kubectl get pods secure-monolith --show-labels


How do we manage and scale containers in production? Deployments!

Behind the scenes Deployments use Replica Sets to manage starting and stopping the Pods.

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